3-Day-Course: Business & Sustainable Development

Business & Sustainable Development

Next Course: January/ February 2019(TBD)

Course leader: Adrian Braun, Entrepreneur & Researcher

Location: Rovala Community College (Rovaniemi, Finland)

The “Business and Sustainable Development” course aims to provide a conceptual
framework to get insights in the most relevant issues with respect to ecological and social challenges of business actors in the Northern latitudes of the globe. Mining, oil & gas extraction, forestry, tourism and traditional livelihoods just like fishery are in focus as they carry strong relevance in terms of ecological footprints and the well-being of Arctic societies. Participants will learn the major sustainability challenges of the Arctic and global economy. The 3-day course outlines pathways how to manage sustainability inside a company and what tools can be used to implement environmental management, social responsibility and corporate governance frameworks. Participants will gain a better understanding how to execute business responsibilities and what a sustainability strategy requires. The course is amongst others of interest for people who seek career paths as sustainability coordinator or environmental manager, but also to everybody, who is just interested in the Northern and global economic, ecological and social challenges of our time.

Course language: English
Course participation requirements: No specific prerequisites
Course Certificate: Participation certificate will be issued after
completion of the course

For further information, please contact course leader Adrian Braun,
Entrepreneur & Business Consultant – Founder Arctic Values/
Researcher in Economics & Social Science
E-Mail: adrian.braun@arctic-values.com
Arctic Values Website: www.arctic-values.com
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/adrian-braun-53407612a

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